This will probably be my second to last post before the new year, and i thought I'd recap the year for myself. It's mostly going to be my disappointments with myself and how many things I've released. Last year I was part of 12 flash projects and it just seemed to be a good year all around. However, 2011 was kind of a let down productive wise. I only released 6 projects and had several projects never see the light of day. I'm really hoping I can change that in the new year.
Other than that, I have been working on creating several other projects that aren't flash related. One is a game Casper Smith and I have been working on for about a year for the Android OS. We will hopefully be releasing that in early 2012 and it should be quite a hit. I'm also still working on the extremely large Reincarnation game which will hopefully be going into a more full-time swing in 2012. It's really hard to juggle more than one project at a time, but I think my new years resolution is to keep on myself to finish projects with strict deadlines.