Yo homies,
Reincarnation: ADDO did really well. I'm glad it did, because it gave me enough confidence to make a sequel and try to get that to you guys in the next month or two. I just finished writing the story, game play and just started on level one's artwork. I promise I will make this one a little more challenging and less linear for all the negative comments I got about the length and what not lol. Anywho...
My little video crew just finished a new contest entry for Doritos: Crash the Superbowl Contest and would like everyone to go check it out at the link provided. I may be working on an animation for this contest as well, but I'm not sure how well an animation will do for a superbowl commercial. We'll see.
All I have to say is, "Good luck."
FightingSeraph, another Louisiana native.